All posts by siteadmin

Love your feet

Do you know how important your feet are? In recognition of National Feet Week 7-13th March 2022 we asked regular MyTimer and Reflexologist, Sophie Playford to highlight how special these appendages are. There are also goodie bags at the studio for you to collect! “Feet are the foundation of the body, the base of our […]


Is sleep the key to happiness?

“Happiness consists of getting enough sleep. Just that, nothing more.”  — Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers Ask any new parent or anyone suffering sleep deprivation, and they will tell you just how damaging a lack of sleep can be to both their mental and physical wellbeing. We know sleep is important, but why? Why is […]


Is water the key to a happy, healthier life?

Water – the elixir for life We all know we should be drinking more water, but why? Water accounts for two-thirds of our body weight, so it’s no surprise to hear that it is vital in maintaining several key bodily functions, including cognitive activity, the removal of toxins, and regulating body temperature. It might come […]


Pilates and Parkinson’s: the therapeutic benefits of movement

As we regularly advise our clients, the benefits of movement are so important, and underpin our wellbeing in every way. Sadly, my father recently passed away from a very aggressive form of Parkinson’s Disease (PD). The most distressing aspect of this disease – and especially with his type – is that sufferers may find themselves […]


Why we need to maintain a healthy shoulder joint

This week we kicked off our new Saturday Club sessions with a special interactive workshop on the body’s most flexible yet vulnerable joint – the shoulder. You may not know that the shoulder girdle is made up of a set of intricate bones and muscles that all work together to form a joint which is […]