Can Pilates help with depression?

Well done everyone – we’ve got through January, and ‘Blue Monday’ (15/01) claimed to be the most depressing day of the year. There was quite a lot of media coverage about this, and whilst sifting through it I came across another great article recommending Pilates for anyone suffering with anxiety / depression, or indeed anyone trying to avoid it.


“In our recent Patient survey of 281 healthcare professionals, 69% of doctors said they’d recommend Pilates and yoga for people with depression and anxiety, because they are classed as mind-body exercises, meaning they are good for both your physical and your mental health. The mind and body are reunited through movement. The mindfulness of these movements combined with the breathing, equip you with great relaxation techniques. What’s more, you can work out in a safe, supportive, social environment – classes are not competitive and, most important of all, they are FUN!” linked to the NHS.


Especially at mytime. Of course we work hard, I need to ensure my Clients are permanently edging closer to achieving their goals, BUT having fun is every bit as important. Standing up at the front of a class, looking at my wonderful Clients, and seeing you smiling back at me, means as much to me as watching you deliver the perfect Teaser!